Saturday, December 18, 2004

Reaching Out To Those That Are Still Living

very important thing to do. Get a journal together and start talking to everyone and anyone in your family about FAMILY! Don't put it off! Write down everything people say about your ancestors, you never know when one of those minor recollections turn into the sledge hammer that brings down that proverbial brick wall. So go out and interview everyone in the family!

Will be doing exactly that myself! Have put off doing the FITZSIMMON part of my family for awhile now, but that is now my focus. There is only my great Uncle Len left who might have some info on William Fitzsimmons. So tomorrow night i'm going to get a pad of paper, a pen and call him up and see what I can't get out of him.

off to a family get together. Tomorrow I will post the other names I'm searching, and resources that I have that could perhaps help someone out there!



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